The Trail of the Troika (Greek Version, HD 1080p) | A must-see to understand the situation in Greece

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Pour ne rien vous cacher, quand on a vu que la chaîne Youtube wocomoDOCS avait publié une nouvelle vidéo qui s'appelait The Trail of the Troika (Greek Version, HD 1080p) | A must-see to understand the situation in Greece, nous n’avons pas hésité une seconde à vous la partager pour que vous puissiez la découvrir !

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Et voilà, on arrive bientôt à la fin de cet article, vous venez de découvrir tout ce qu’on savait à propos de la vidéo The Trail of the Troika (Greek Version, HD 1080p) | A must-see to understand the situation in Greece. Vous avez déjà regardé la vidéo en entier ? Pensez à checker notre site pour trouver d’autres contenus liés à wocomoDOCS, on en a pas mal de disponible et de nouvelles vidéos arrivent très prochainement, faites nous confiance !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo The Trail of the Troika (Greek Version, HD 1080p) | A must-see to understand the situation in Greece publiée par la chaine Youtube wocomoDOCS :

What is happening in Europe in the name of the troika? A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the situation in Greece. The European Union and International Monetary Fund have lent more than 400 billion Euros to Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus to keep these countries solvent. The lenders granted enormous power to the three institutions of the so called troika: the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Without any public accountability, the troika is forcing the crisis states to implement policies that are tearing the social fabric of their countries apart. German journalist and best-selling author Harald Schumann travelled to Athens, Lisbon, Dublin, Nicosia, Brussels, Washington, New York and London, in order to find out who has actually benefited from austerity measures. He puts this question to ministers, parliamentarians, economists, bankers, doctors and also to the victims of these policies, the unemployed and the ill. Among the many people we meet are Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, IMF Director Paulo Batista and Yanis Varoufakis, the newly elected Greek finance minister. Schumann's revelations are often devastating and shocking. Given the negotiations currently taking place between the newly elected Greek government and their European partners, this film is of great political and economic relevance.

Want to get even more detail information? You will find all interviews made for this film in full length on "HARALD SCHUMANN ON THE TRAIL", here on YouTube:

Current Affairs / Economy
Film by Harald Schumann, Árpád Bondy
Co-Production Árpád Bondy Filmproduktion with RBB/ARTE, 2015
Original title Macht ohne Kontrolle – die Troika / Puissante et incontrôlée – la Troika