Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box System, BREEZE Hooded System Starter Kit Litter Box

Smart Shop a enfin sorti une nouvelle vidéo ! On est ravi de pouvoir la partager aujourd’hui sur Allo Trends. Elle est sortie le 10 septembre 2022 et elle a déjà fait beaucoup parler d’elle sur les réseaux sociaux !

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Aujourd'hui, 10 septembre 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box System, BREEZE Hooded System Starter Kit Litter Box. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

La vidéo est actuellement en vogue sur le web et pourrait se retrouver au top dans les tendances de la plateforme de VOD de Google. Après son upload il y a à peine 30 minutes par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, beaucoup d’internautes ont commencé à la regarder avec grand intérêt. C’est d’ailleurs souvent comme ça sur cette chaîne qui publie régulièrement des vidéos semblables à celle dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box System, BREEZE Hooded System Starter Kit Litter Box publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box System, BREEZE Hooded System Starter Kit Litter Box
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B0776R7F84/?tag=hanh68-20

Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box System, BREEZE Hooded System Starter Kit Litter Box, Litter Pellets & Pads
Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Hooded cat litter box system includes a litter box with scoop, one pack of 4 cat pads and 1 bag of 3.5 lb kitty litter pellets, giving your cat one month of refills
Disposable cat litter pads lock in moisture so the cat litter box remains dry and are designed to last for 7 days for one cat
Anti-tracking kitty litter pellets for Breeze system are 99.9 percent dust free and cut down on tracking around the box. Neat Floors. Neat Feet. Guaranteed
Solids stay on top for fast removal and urine is locked away in the super-absorbent pads below, so there are no urine clumps to scoop. Absorb. Toss. Replace

Give your cat a private place to do her business with outstanding litter odor control when you use a Purina Tidy Cats Breeze hooded cat litter box system. Our innovative system makes it easy to check litter care off your to-do list. Dehydrating, mess-minimizing pellets wick away moisture from solid waste and separate urine for quick and easy cleanup. These specialized pellets are 99.9 percent dust free and minimize tracking. Neat Floors. Neat Feet. Satisfaction Guaranteed. To help keep her comfortable, our disposable, super-absorbent cat pads absorb urine, so the covered litter box remains dry, and they're guaranteed to prevent ammonia odor for seven days for one cat. A convenient hood keeps your cat discreetly hidden from sight as she uses her litter box. The convenient hinged design gives you easy access when it's time to change the non-clumping litter, and a slide-out drawer lets you quickly toss and replace the pads below for a kitty litter box you'll both love.

Top reviews from the United States
So far it’s great!
I’ve had this box for over a month now and I still love it. I have two cats and one of them gets urinary crystals, so he has to be on a prescription diet that causes him to drink a lot of water and pee A LOT. The clay clumping litter just could not keep up. I found I was taking big clumps out everyday and would need a new jug of it every week or two. On top of that I had to completely clean out the box every couple days due to the clay litter sticking to the bottom, which was getting very tiresome. The ammonia smell was also getting out of hand. I’ve tried many non-clumping litters, but they could never hold in the smell. I even tried pine pellets which I liked, but didn’t really work in a traditional litter box. I also tried a sifter litter box, but the clay litter would just stick to the sifter. I did not want to spend a ton of money on a robot litter box, but I was really starting to consider it. I decided to try this as a last ditch effort before I purchased a robotic box and I’m so glad I did! I use a mix of the Purina pellets and pine pellets and there is absolutely NO smell. I bought some cheap pee pads from Amazon and they work great, they catch all of the disintegrated pellets and it’s SO easy to clean. Which for me was the main reason I bought it. Since I have two cats I change the pad every two to three days. I don’t mind buying pads as long as the pee smell isn’t floating around my apartment and the clean up is easy. If you have a cat that pees a lot, this is the box for you! I will say, not a fan of the scoop it comes with. The pine pellets are much bigger than the Purina ones. So if you decide to use pine pellets buy a bigger scoop off of Amazon with bigger holes in it so it’s easier to scoop. The Purina pellets do work well enough on their own, but the odor control is MUCH better with pine pellets thrown in there with them. Other than that I love this and it is totally worth the money for me!