Perfect Poop Digestion & General Health Supplement for Dogs: Fiber, Prebiotics, Probiotics & Enzymes

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Aujourd'hui, 12 août 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Perfect Poop Digestion & General Health Supplement for Dogs: Fiber, Prebiotics, Probiotics & Enzymes. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Perfect Poop Digestion & General Health Supplement for Dogs: Fiber, Prebiotics, Probiotics & Enzymes publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Perfect Poop Digestion & General Health Supplement for Dogs: Fiber, Prebiotics, Probiotics & Enzymes
Amazon Product Link:

HEALTH STARTS IN THE GUT: High Fiber Grass Bits naturally revitalize your pet's digestive tract to relieve digestive issues including diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach, stalled digestion, bloating and food intolerance; Reduces gas, stool odor, bad breath and firms up poop
HELP YOUR DOG FEEL THEIR BEST: Bolster your dog's immune system and overall health; Increase absorption of nutrients and vitamins to help tackle common pet concerns such as allergies, skin, coat, itching, licking, infection, low energy, weight loss, mood, sensitive stomach, and more
COMPLETE 4 IN 1 FORMULA: Combines premium Fibers, Prebiotics, Probiotics and Enzymes to supercharge your pet's digestive system. These four building blocks unite to form a high fiber solution that heals and maintains your dog's gut
4 IN 1 FORMULA SAVES TIME AND MONEY: Stop buying separate supplements; save time and money by buying one solution that combines them all; Solid grass bits mix in well with your dog's food or can be served as treat or topper; No more powders stuck at the bottom of the bowl or floating in the air like other brands; Serving size varies based on weight - One bag will last a 50 lb dog a little over a month
NATURAL PREMIUM INGREDIENTS: Natural, Grain Free, Gluten Free, Non-GMO and Made in USA; Miscanthus Grass, Pumpkin Powder and Flax Seed Fibers provide the perfect poop; Inulin & Xylooigosaccharides Prebiotics; Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Coagulans probiotics support a healthy digestive tract and immune system; Blend of digestive Enzymes break down food and increase nutrient absorption
Top reviews from the United States
Perfection: Achieved!
I've just happily ordered my 2nd bag of Bernie's Perfect Poop, & we couldn't possibly be more pleased with this product. When we inherited our son's large dog due to his move, he somehow neglected to pass along the information that when the lovable furball farts it takes the paint off the walls and sets the curtains on fire. Seriously; if the military could harness the power of this gas, it would definitely be classified as a "Lethal Weapon Of Mass Destruction". No matter what we tried, and we tried a LOT, by the time every evening rolled around he had somehow perked whatever he had for breakfast into his own personal variety of mustard gas to share with us. However, as we sincerely love the big beastie, we figured we would give this a try. Amazingly to us, it started working right away, as in the very same night. Not only that, but he hasn't even once cleared the room in the entire month since we have started adding it to his breakfast. Additionally, his solid "by-products" seem to be "healthy" looking, and he is full of pep and vigor. I would definitely recommend this to anybody else whom might be experiencing the same pet co-habitation difficulties, because this stuff really works!