OlarHike Cat Water Fountain Stainless Steel, 61oz/1.8L

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Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo OlarHike Cat Water Fountain Stainless Steel, 61oz/1.8L de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo OlarHike Cat Water Fountain Stainless Steel, 61oz/1.8L publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

OlarHike Cat Water Fountain Stainless Steel, 61oz/1.8L
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B098QR3HCC/?tag=hanh68-20

【Stainless Steel Pets Water Fountain】The drinking bowl on this model of stainless water fountain has an elegant design that looks great anywhere in your house or apartment! With the dog fountain’s durable construction made out of 100% food-grade 304 Stainless Steel, it will withstand everyday use for years without any scratches or corrosion. Our water fountain is BPA-free and dishwasher-safe.
【Quiet Cat Drinking Fountain】This sleek and stylish stainless steel pet fountain is the perfect solution for individuals who want to keep their pets well-hydrated but don't like hearing a high-pitched sound at night. With the water dispenser, there is no sound to disturb a sleeping owner. The low noise pet fountain also prevents pets from becoming over-stimulated and consuming too much water before bedtime.
【Adjustable Water Flow】Give your cat a cool treat with an automatic pet water fountain that can be adjusted by the flick of a switch. Most of the pets like to drink running or moving water that is why this water dispenser for cats & dogs is so attractive to them. The water flow can be controlled to make it more enticing for pets to drink, which will help them stay hydrated.
【24/7 Fresh Water Pet Fountain】The stainless pet fountain features an activated carbon filter and water pump for fresh, clean drinking water. This pet water fountain has a pre-installed filter sponge that removes hair from the surface of the bowl while also keeping it clear on its inside to avoid any buildup that could attract flies or mosquitos. Cats and small pets can both enjoy the benefits of a cat water fountain, perfect for the Multi-Pet Family.

Top reviews from the United States
Cat Loves it
My cat (4 years old) will literally only drink moving water. If there is no faucet running or fountain she would rather just let herself dehydrate and be rushed to the Vet. Such a diva. I have owned several pet fountains but noticed she generally only drinks from the fountain portion and didnt seem like she really got enough water. I read online that cats prefer shallow water rather then deep dishes or dishes where their whiskers arent touching the edges. So I bought this product and I see a big even a better change in the amount of water she drinks, she actually drinks from the bowl now. As for sound, I have moved the unit into my office. I completely forget its there.