Manzanilla Grisi Chamomile, Styling Hair Gel, Keep your Hairstyle, Lighten Naturally, Non-Alcohol

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Manzanilla Grisi Chamomile, Styling Hair Gel, Keep your Hairstyle, Lighten Naturally, Non-Alcohol publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Manzanilla Grisi Chamomile, Styling Hair Gel, Keep your Hairstyle, Lighten Naturally, Non-Alcohol
Amazon Product Link:

Keep your hairstyle in place all day with a natural look, as Chamomile Gel was specially formulated to create and fix different hairstyles
The chamomile in our gel is ideal for lightening your hair, as well as preserving the natural and beautiful tone of blonde or light brown hair, providing shine and silkiness
Our formula takes advantage of nature and uses chamomile extract as the main ingredient. Give your hair shine and add some touches of natural light with our Manzanilla Grisi Gel. You will not need to use chemicals to lighten your hair
Lighten naturally while setting your hairstyle. You do not need to rinse Grisi Gel off, so you allow the chamomile to lighten your hair during the day. It is the ideal complement to the rest of the Manzanilla Grisi line that naturally preserves the blonde of the hair
The Grisi Chamomile Gel has been made without alcohol, so it will not dry out your hair, it will not leave it greasy, and sticky, or with residues. Our formula is very gentle. You can use it daily
Hair type: Multicultural
Skin type: Combination

Grisi Hair Styling Fixing Gel has a primary ingredient, chamomile extract, which provides you with intense nutrition, making your hair look brighter. The yellow pigment in chamomile flowers adds a natural shine to your hair without using chemicals; our formula will also help protect your hair from environmental damage and prevent split tips by keeping them hydrated. Our product naturally lightens your hair while setting it. Let yourself be pampered with the benefits of chamomile. Give style and set your hair while lightening it naturally The Grisi Chamomile Gel will keep your hairstyle in place throughout the day, leaving it with a natural appearance. It has maximum control and molding power for your hair in any style you decide. Our gel is the ideal complement to the rest of the Manzanilla Grisi Products to help you preserve the golden tones in your hair in a natural way, and it will assist you by keeping your highlights bright and shiny. We suggest you wash and condition your hair with our Chamomile Products and then shape your hair with the style you want with our chamomile gel. You can use it on both wet or dry hair, according to your preference.

Top reviews from the United States

Works great on my toddler

Smells nice holds soft but well