K&H PET PRODUCTS Thermo-Perch Heated Bird Perch Gray Small 1 X 10.5 Inches

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Aujourd'hui, 6 octobre 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre K&H PET PRODUCTS Thermo-Perch Heated Bird Perch Gray Small 1 X 10.5 Inches. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo K&H PET PRODUCTS Thermo-Perch Heated Bird Perch Gray Small 1 X 10.5 Inches publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

K&H PET PRODUCTS Thermo-Perch Heated Bird Perch Gray Small 1 X 10.5 Inches
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B07HML9LX2/?tag=hanh68-20

BIRD HEALTH: Heated bird perch counters the effects of cold drafts & air conditioning that can harm exotic birds
GOOD FOR FEET: Unique shape reduces pressure sores and foot cramping; Constructed tough plastic which is non-toxic & bite/scratch resistant
PERFECT TEMPERATURE: Thermostatically controlled with varying temperatures from end to end to allow your bird to choose the perfect temperature for them
SAFE: Heated bird perch using harmless 12V electrical current, but always be sure to keep the cord away from bird’s reach
SIZING: Small is 1” in diameter and 10.5” long, Medium 1.25”in diameter and 13” long, and Large is 2” diameter and 14.5”
BRAND YOU TRUST: Designed by K&H with OVER 20 years of experience in creating safe, innovative, quality products for pets

Top reviews from the United States
Pros and cons of this heated bird perch
I'm writing this review in the hope of saving birds from some of the things I have read in other reviews here, by owners who obviously love their birds but don't have a lot of knowledge of birds. I have many birds, many different species large and tiny, all rescues. I have had at least 20 Thermo Perches over the past decade, large and small. First of all, I'll tell you why I buy them. When they work, there is nothing better for a sick bird, or a lonely bird, or even a healthy bird in an aviary on a winter night (particularly female birds). Most sick birds, older birds or birds sleeping alone end up loving this perch. Some birds are afraid of it initially and a few stay afraid. Young healthy males usually show no interest in it - their testosterone is so high they are warm enough except in extreme cold.

The perch is too smooth, and size small is not as small as it should be for finches, canaries, etc. That being said, most small birds - even tiny zebra finches - find a way to comfortably perch on them if they want the warmth. They are a blessing to many birds in cold, lonely, or unhealthy situations, and I believe they can extend the active life of some of these birds.

Now, the bad. First, as I mentioned, the size, texture, and shape. Not ideal, not even close. Still, worth buying and trying it for your bird. You have to understand how important warmth is to birds in less than ideal conditions. More important than food and water. It can be the difference between life and death in a sick bird.