iLive iHB603B Wireless Bluetooth Speaker System with CD Player and FM Radio Black

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement iLive iHB603B Wireless Bluetooth Speaker System with CD Player and FM Radio Black. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo iLive iHB603B Wireless Bluetooth Speaker System with CD Player and FM Radio Black publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

iLive iHB603B Wireless Bluetooth Speaker System with CD Player and FM Radio Black
Amazon Product Link:

The IHB603B built in Bluetooth technology allows you to stream music from your Bluetooth enabled device. Listen to your favorite CDs, enjoy FM radio, or utilize the audio line input to play music from non-Bluetooth equipped devices. The IHB603B also features a USB phone charger to charge almost any device. A compact design pumps out big sound perfect for any room. The iLive iHB603B Stereo Home Music System looks great anywhere in your home. It features 2-channel stereo sound with a Dynamic Bass Boost System (DBBS). The vertical-loading CD player plays CD, CD-R/RW with programmable disc playback. Enjoy your favorite FM radio station over the built-in antennas. Each system has 3.5mm audio input for plugging in your personal MP3 player or other device. A remote control is included that runs on a CR2025 battery (pre-installed). A LCD display with ambient blue LED light effects and dimmer control make this a sharp unit to have in your home. If that wasn't enough, this system also has a digital clock with sleep timer. Included in the box is the stereo system, AC power adapter, removable stand, remote control, warranty card and a user's guide. iLive products are specifically designed to enhance your digital devices including iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Mobile Phones, Tablets, Televisions, and Bluetooth Devices. Our focus is on delivering a great product that serves as an extension of a these devices, in both design and function, without compromising on audio quality, feature-set, or ease-of-use.
Top reviews from the United States
Nice Bedside CD Player
Bought this unit for my mother to replace her broken boombox. It took no time to set it up and show her how it works. While the buttons on the top of the unit are hard to read, the remote uses common, easy to interpret buttons. My mother doesn't wear her hearing aids around the house so she plays it pretty loud. That's ok it sounds fine at higher volumes. Overall a nice simple unit with decent sound. She loves it!