Harney & Sons Peppermint Tea, Bag of 50 Sachets

Smart Shop a enfin sorti une nouvelle vidéo ! On est ravi de pouvoir la partager aujourd’hui sur Allo Trends. Elle est sortie le 21 novembre 2022 et elle a déjà fait beaucoup parler d’elle sur les réseaux sociaux !

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Aujourd'hui, 21 novembre 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Harney & Sons Peppermint Tea, Bag of 50 Sachets. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Harney & Sons Peppermint Tea, Bag of 50 Sachets publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Harney & Sons Peppermint Tea, Bag of 50 Sachets
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B01KQLVACE/?tag=tungamz2-20

Our marvelously brisk Peppermint which comes from Oregon, and the leaves produce a wonderfully aromatic and crisp tasting tisane. We find a cup of Peppermint can also get a pesky stomach under control in no time.
Each sachet holds enough loose tea to brew two cups.
Sachets are the perfect marriage of loose tea and teabag convenience.
Clean and refreshing peppermint flavors.
Herbal - Naturally caffeine-free
Harney & Sons is a proud member of 1% for the Planet
Our marvelously brisk Peppermint which comes from Oregon, and the leaves produce a wonderfully aromatic and crisp tasting tisane. We find a cup of Peppermint can also get a pesky stomach under control in no time. Keep this 50ct sachet bag on hand at all times.

Top reviews from the United States

Flat out the BEST peppermint tea ever!
I've tried all kinds of different herbal teas, and peppermint is always my favorite. But this Harney and Sons peppermint tea is absolutely the best I've ever had. I initially purchased the tea in the green tin, which comes in sachets (not tea bags), which tastes fresher and sharp. When it came time to refill my tin, I tried the Harney and Sons organic peppermint, which came in a box, with tea bags. NOT nearly as yummy. The difference is notable.

I finally found this black bag, which holds 50 sachets. The taste is unbelievably delicious. I have to admit, when I open up one of these black bags, I put my nose inside and breathe deep! So refreshing. I love this stuff so much, I added it to my Amazon subscriptions.

Everyone I share this tea with always wants to know how to buy some. It is delicious. I drink this peppermint tea all day long; I keep it in a thermos. No caffeine, and such a refreshing taste. I can't recommend it enough. If you love peppermint tea, you've found your holy grail. I hope I've been helpful!