Fruitables Baked Dog Treats | Pumpkin Treats for Dogs | Healthy Low Calorie Treats | Free of Wheat,

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Fruitables Baked Dog Treats | Pumpkin Treats for Dogs | Healthy Low Calorie Treats | Free of Wheat, publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Fruitables Baked Dog Treats | Pumpkin Treats for Dogs | Healthy Low Calorie Treats | Free of Wheat,
Amazon Product Link:

IRRESISTABLE TASTE: Lovin’ from the oven! This recipe combines pumpkin, creamy bananas and cinnamon into a treat with a fresh-baked flavor your dog will adore.
DELICIOUSLY HEALTHY DOG TREATS: Made with superfoods, our oven-baked dog biscuits are both healthy AND delicious. Made with rich antioxidants, there are no compromises here.
ONLY 8 CALORIES PER TREAT: CalorieSmart is our way of saying we use pumpkin to help reduce calories so you can keep treating your pet guilt free.
SMELL THE FRUITABLES DIFFERENCE: Our pumpkin dog treats smell great. Seriously, open a bag and smell the difference! You’ll be tempted to try one yourself.
CRUNCHY BAKED TEXTURE DOGS LOVE: Fruitables baked dog treats have a unique flower shape and a satisfying crunch that dogs love.
Finally, a treat that’s super enough for your super-duper pet! Made with wholesome Superfoods, every bite is bursting with irresistible flavor and an aroma to match. Once dogs get a whiff, they’ll do anything you want. And since they’re formulated with CalorieSmart® nutrition at 8 calories each, you can feel good about asking!

Top reviews from the United States
Dog Approved!
I bought these for my 4 year old Maltese rescue who I would only describe as a high maintenance diva. He is super picky about what he eats and how he eats it, which has been annoying for us. These have been the only treat that he has really gotten excited for. We get the pumpkin and blueberry flavor. We started buying these because I read that pumpkin is supposed to harden dogs poop to make them push a little harder to get it out, which would essentially take away the need to get your dogs anal glands expressed. For that, it seems to work, which as you can imagine, we are thrilled about!
We give him 3-4 treats a day. I like that they have natural ingredients and are low calorie, so we don’t really need to think about if we are over feeding him by giving him treats. Also, they smell amazing! I’m not about to taste them like other reviewers have, but I can see why my dog likes them from the smell alone.
We have also read that eating blueberry’s is supposed to help with tear stains for dogs that have that problem, so we’re hoping that the blueberries in these might magically help with that as well, but as we expected but does not. I think you need actual blueberries for that trick to work, as I’m sure there are only trace amounts in the treat.
I definitely would recommend these treats, and I am not paid to say so!