Fresh Step Cat Litter Box Odor Eliminating Spray and Powder

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Fresh Step Cat Litter Box Odor Eliminating Spray and Powder publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Fresh Step Cat Litter Box Odor Eliminating Spray and Powder
Amazon Product Link:

ELIMINATES ODORS QUICKLY — Fresh Step Litter Box Odor Eliminating Powder targets cat urine and feces odor to quickly and efficiently eliminate smells; this cat deodorizer for litter box comes with added zeolites for better kitty litter odor removal
KEEP YOUR CAT BOX FRESH — This heavy duty and long-lasting cat litter deodorizer will keep your litter box smelling consistently fresh; the litter box cleaner is scented for a revitalizing smell that will replace the cat litter odor
EASY-TO-USE — Litter odor eliminator is easy to use, just sprinkle evenly on litter after scooping or anytime your litter needs a boost to remove litter box odor
PET FRIENDLY — This cat box odor eliminator is pet friendly and provides litter box odor control for all types of litter; the litter box odor destroyer also helps prevent clumps from sticking to the litter box
16 OUNCES — The litter box odor neutralizer comes in a 16-ounce container (454 grams) and works on older cats too to give you a no odor litter box for a cat of any age

Fresh Step is a brand committed to making the world a more welcoming place for our feline friends and their owners. When a cat has found his rightful place in your home, no matter how he got there, Fresh Step is here to step in and ensure that your house still smells like you, and not your new four-legged companion. Keeping your cat's litter box and surrounding area clean is necessary for the health and wellness of the home. It's this rationale that drove the development of the Fresh Step litter box products. With clever design and innovation, kitty cleanup just got easier! The Fresh Step Odor Eliminating Powder acts as a cat deodorizer for litter box. It targets cat urine and feces odor to eliminate smells and leaves you with a no odor litter box. The cat litter deodorizer comes with added zeolites for better and more efficient kitty litter odor removal. This litter box cleaner is heavy duty and long lasting, so you can have a litter box free from cat litter odor longer. The litter box odor eliminator is also scented, for a revitalizing smell that will replace the litter box odor. You might actually start to like the smell of your litter box! The cat box odor eliminator is both pet-friendly and versatile; it acts as a litter box odor remover for all types of litter and will work for older cats too! This way, you can have an odor-free litter box for a cat of any age. This litter box odor neutralizer also helps prevent clumps from sticking to the litter box, which means less mess for you! With the Fresh Step Odor Eliminating Powder, your guests will feel welcome in your home, even around the litter box; having a cat has never been so clean! The litter odor eliminator comes in a 16-ounce container and is easy to use, just sprinkle evenly on litter after scooping or anytime your litter needs a boost to remove litter box odor.

Top reviews from the United States
Great product!
This helps eliminate the smell great!