Danganronpa Decadence - Nintendo Switch

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Danganronpa Decadence - Nintendo Switch publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Danganronpa Decadence - Nintendo Switch

Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B097FQ5ZV4/?tag=hanh68-20

In danganronpa 1, 2, and V3, you and Your classmates must participate in a Killing game; The only way to survive is to correctly identify the killer during the class trial, and be the last One standing!
Each game comes with a gallery feature that allows you to view event illustrations, scenes, and listen to voiced dialogue!
Includes danganronpa S: ultimate summer camp, the 10th anniversary title That's an expanded version of the ultimate talent development plan bonus content from danganronpa V3!
Includes English text and Japanese and English audio.
Danganronpa Decadence contains the three main titles in the legendary Danganronpa franchise, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Anniversary Edition, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Anniversary Edition, and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition, and also features the brand-new title Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp, a boardgame-style bonus game with all-new scenes and interactions between your favorite characters! Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Danganronpa with this exclusive Nintendo Switch four-games-in-one bundle.

Top reviews from the United States
A mystery/detective visual novel with adventure elements. Very addictive. Play order below!
This is a trilogy of the three main games 1, 2 & v3 as well as the new Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp, which is more of a laid back slice of life virtual board game with a ton of character interactions. Spike Chunsoft has claimed that there are more than 1,000 character interactions. I will say that while this is a visual novel, there are adventure elements to these games, which I think opens this series up to a wider audience than your typical visual novel (VN). Even if you’re not crazy about VN’s, or if you’ve never played one before, I think danganronpa might be the exception for you. The games are just addictive, it’s so fun and interesting. I love to find out who these characters are behind their masks, and finding out the true motive and everything else. It’s a ton of fun. I highly recommend this series, it’s up there as one of my favorites with the SciAdv series. The story that is told in this series does have a few weak points, but it’s the mysteries and gameplay loop that make this game so exciting and fun. I implore you to give this a shot, I really think most people who enjoy good stories and mysteries would love this series. Plus getting all 4 of these games for roughly $60 is a steal, it’s definitely worth the price of admission. They also have both English and Japanese audio options. All 4 games are on one cartridge, and they all appear as separate games on the switch home screen; and it makes it much easier to navigate, which is different from the Trilogy released on PS4.