Chirimen Plum Blossom Cat Collar, Handcrafted in Japan, 1 Size fits All, Kimono Fabric …

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Chirimen Plum Blossom Cat Collar, Handcrafted in Japan, 1 Size fits All, Kimono Fabric … publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Chirimen Plum Blossom Cat Collar, Handcrafted in Japan, 1 Size fits All, Kimono Fabric …
Amazon Product Link:

Beautifully crafted in Japan with traditional Kimono print to give your cat a look unique enough to last nine lives!
The buckle on this collar is equipped to release when the cat's collar gets caught
One size fits all. Adjustable from 8.2-inch to 13.7-inch
Made with cotton, polyester, PVC
Available in Red, Green, and Blue color

Top reviews from the United States
Lovely, adjustable collar
Purchased two of these collars for my new kittens (8mos, ~7-8lbs mixed Manx) hoping they might last through a growth spurt or two. After a month I am surprised to find that after plenty of neck scratches and the occasional chewing, the fabric itself still looks almost new. The bells sound lovely, and the collar can adjust to a fairly large range - but keep in mind when purchasing that the pattern placement depends on how the fabric is cut (think of it like a semi-mystery pick). One arrived somewhat plain, but has a more ornate bell and compliments my Calico nicely.

My kittens are able to loosen the collars themselves so they can play with the bell, so I may sew the knots temporarily in place to allow for future adjustments as they grow. I have on occasion found the collars on the ground with the breakaway feature clearly having worked, so I'm not stressing about any future accidents.