Catit Style 2-Bowl Glass Diner Set for Pets

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Catit Style 2-Bowl Glass Diner Set for Pets. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Catit Style 2-Bowl Glass Diner Set for Pets publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Catit Style 2-Bowl Glass Diner Set for Pets
Amazon Product Link:

Glass diner, equipped with two bowls
Dishwasher safe
Ideal for wet or dry foods or water
Available in black or white

Top reviews from the United States
Easy for me, seemingly more comfortable for them...
I love these bowls! Easy to keep clean-but don’t drop them; I learned early on to keep them at the base of the sink as I washed them so less chance of breakage. The bowls are very thick glass with stout bases that drop into the stage but will shatter if dropped in a sink or on the floor. The cats looked at them like they were from outer space at first, but they use them without hesitation now. The thick glass core is held in the stage by ‘grips’ that adjust to the core. They don’t move at all once placed in the hole, and the grips have never failed in any of the stages we’ve had.
I like not watching them have to croon their necks down to eat-I have a Ragdoll who consistently vomits after eating and he does seem to do it less now than before. Perhaps I’m wrong-it could be attributed to other conditions, but he doesn’t seem to do it as much. I just thought that having a better angle for swallowing as he ate might help. Having once owned a cat who suffered from chin acne, glass has become our feeding vessel of choice and I couldn’t be happier with these. Great for wet or dry food and the stage has a rubber base that keeps them from sliding about. Super easy to keep clean and they are very nice looking in the kitchen. My mom started using them for her big guy and she loves hers as well. The replacement bowls are pricey so I simply buy a new set if I break one. Keeps us in extras and I always have a clean replacement stage and extra bowl at hand. The only drawback IS breakage but simply being aware is a pretty easy fix...they look so much better in the kitchen, too. Most people don’t even realize what they are unless there’s food in them. They come in white or black and I can’t imagine ever wanting to use another type of feeding dish for my cats. We hope that Amazon continues to carry them for a long time to come.