Aquarium Lights –2nd Generation A029 Aquarium LED Light 30Watts Saltwater Lighting with Touch

L’équipe Allo Trends vous propose aujourd’hui, le 3 octobre 2022 de découvrir la toute dernière vidéo de Smart Shop sortie sur le net. Vu les premiers retours des internautes, nous avons pensé utile de vous la partager sur notre site.

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Aquarium Lights –2nd Generation A029 Aquarium LED Light 30Watts Saltwater Lighting with Touch. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

La vidéo est actuellement en vogue sur le web et pourrait se retrouver au top dans les tendances de la plateforme de VOD de Google. Après son upload il y a à peine 30 minutes par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, beaucoup d’internautes ont commencé à la regarder avec grand intérêt. C’est d’ailleurs souvent comme ça sur cette chaîne qui publie régulièrement des vidéos semblables à celle dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Aquarium Lights –2nd Generation A029 Aquarium LED Light 30Watts Saltwater Lighting with Touch publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Aquarium Lights –2nd Generation A029 Aquarium LED Light 30Watts Saltwater Lighting with Touch
Amazon Product Link:

The brightness in first 30min (the sunrise period) is not strong, it is weak and changed from 1% to the setting brightness such as 80% or 100%. This period is sunrise time, the brightness is weak at first, it will change into strong bright evenly. Please check the final brightness after 30min sunrise time.

Top reviews from the United States
Great light, perfect colors. Great on my 29 Nano!
Okay.. so it’s VERY hard to get good pictures that reflect the true colors / light of this unit. The colors are BEAUTIFUL. This thing lights up my 29 gal Nano EXCELLENTLY. The blues on 100% makes my nem, zoas, and fish look absolutely gorgeous. Blues on 100, and Whites on 20%.. visibility is even better. Colors, brightness.. I am completely impressed. Again, the pictures DONT DO JUSTICE. Budget light.. best around. Get it. —- That all being said, I got this unit because I wanted the sunrise / sunset function. It simply.. does not work. I have set the timer. Adjusted the hours. Again and again. I have it set 9a - 9p. The TIMER works fine, It comes on 0%-100% right at 9am, and shuts off 100%-0% right at 9pm. To clarify, it goes from completely off, 0 power.. to full blast when coming on.. and when it shuts off it goes from full blast to straight off. For the life of me, I can’t get the rise/set function to work. I reached out to support and was told to read the manual. Whelp, the manual is clearly translated text and VERY unclear. Maybe i’ll figure this out some day.
EDIT :: Adjusted my rating to 5 stars because after leaving my preview review, support reached out to me and actually told me how to ENABLE the sunrise/sunset function! After setting your timer you must HOLD DOWN the timer button for 5 seconds until the white lamp LEDS flash three times! Then your sun rise/set feature is enabled! Soooo happy support helped me with this, as I was rather upset about it. The user manual does NOT outline how to enable this function. Here in the end, I am now 100% pleased with this purchase for the good price.