ACANA Cat, Protein Rich, Real Meat Premium Dry Cat Food

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Pour regarder la vidéo ACANA Cat, Protein Rich, Real Meat Premium Dry Cat Food qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !

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Et voilà, on arrive bientôt à la fin de cet article, vous venez de découvrir tout ce qu’on savait à propos de la vidéo ACANA Cat, Protein Rich, Real Meat Premium Dry Cat Food. Avant de se dire au revoir, on vous rappelle quand même que vous pouvez regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en naviguant sur Allo Trends. Bien qu’on ait pas encore autant de contenus que Youtube, on y travaille chaque jour pour vous offrir le meilleur d’internet !

Mesdames et messieurs, nous arrivons à la fin de cet article Allo Trends, nous espérons que vous avez pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire, enfin au moins autant que nous on a eu à l’écrire !

À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo ACANA Cat, Protein Rich, Real Meat Premium Dry Cat Food publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

ACANA Cat, Protein Rich, Real Meat Premium Dry Cat Food
Amazon Product Link:

High-Protein and Nutritious: High in protein and packed with nourishing ingredients like taurine and balanced omega fatty acids
Made in the USA: Formulated in our state-of-the-art Kitchen using only ingredients from trusted sources
Crafted with Fresh and Raw Ingredients: Matches the natural diets and physiology of cats to best meet their natural nutritional needs
Nutrition for All Life Stages: Free of grains, gluten, potatoes, and tapioca, making it a nourishing food for cats of all ages
No Artificial Colors or Preservatives: We skip the artificial ingredients in our Kitchen and provide key nutrients cats need

Our first SIX ingredients are from quality animal sources like, poultry or fish.

We work with a carefully curated group of suppliers including farmers, ranchers and fishers we’ve known and trusted for decades.

Our recipes are balanced to include protein-rich animal ingredients and fresh or raw vegetables, fruit and botanicals.

Our state-of-the-art kitchen uses a Track-and-Trace system that goes well beyond food industry standards to ensure maximum safety, quality and transparency.

Top reviews from the United States
Read the FDA's findings on cardiomyopathy in cats and dogs and ACANA foods
My cat is unable to digest this food. After 4 days of being hospitalized, he now has a tube in his esophagus for feeding and meds until he recovers, if he recovers. I was given a handout by the Veterinarian of these new grain free foods and their correlation with heart disease. Acana was at the top of the list with the most reported findings, mainly in dogs but also in cats. They've had several law suits from heart broken parents who trusted them and their product claims. These pet parents were trying to provide a better quality diet at a hefty cost only to end up with either a dead pet or a very sick one. Not all pet owners are able to afford a severe, chronic illness that could've been prevented by AVOIDING THIS FOOD! Hills Science Diet is the only thing I will ever buy for my pets after the nightmare I had to go through but even more so, what my poor little guy is going through. I'm just shocked that I found out from my Vet.
Pet parents, if you're interested in changing your pets diet, please contact your vet and ask them first before you make any changes. Also, do your research. 524 reports of Veterinarian diagnosed heart disease have been reported to the FDA and they're finally cracking down on these companies' products and their ingredients as it relates to chronic diseases